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Ari Huhtamäki

Huhtamaki law is a family business founded in 1993. Currently, we are the two lawyers serving the clients.

Dr. Ari Huhtamäki, Ph.D. (Law), MBA, has wide experience in both domestic and international corporate, contract and tort law related legal matters. He has represented clients in various matters in a number of countries for about 30 years. Dr. Huhtamäki also acted as a professor of Commercial Law for over 10 years at two universities and still serves as an adjunct professor. Dr. Huhtamäki has ample experience in white collar criminal defense.



Master of Economics and Business Administration, (Turku School of Economics) 1983
Master of Law, University of Turku 1985
Licentiate of Law (post graduate degree), University of Turku 1988
PhD (Law), University of Turku 1993
Attorney's exam 1993

Work Experience

Full-time teacher of marketing at the Commercial College of Turku 1983-1986
Part-time teacher of business administration, University of Turku 1984-1988
Notary and temp. judge at the District Court of Salo 1986-1987
Associate at Law Firm Brander & Manner Oy, Turku 1987
Finance Manager, Skopbank, Helsinki 1987-1988
Finance Manager, Skopbank, New York, 1988-1989
Finance Director Union Mortgage Company Inc., Dallas, Texas 1989-1990
Chief Financial Officer USF Holdings Inc., Dallas, Texas 1990-1991
Associate at Law Firm Brander & Manner Oy, Turku 1991-1993
Assistant at faculty of law, University of Turku 1991-1993
Proprietor of Law Firm Ari Huhtamäki Oy, Helsinki 1993-1994
Professor of Maritime Law, Åbo Akademi University, Turku 1993-1994
Adjunct professor of Civil and Commercial law, University of Turku, 1994- 2006
Partner of Law Firm Oy Huhtamäki & Schrey Ab, Helsinki 1994-1996
Partner of Law Firm Oy Huhtamäki Ab, Helsinki 1996-2001
Advisor (of counsel) at Law Firm Oy Huhtamäki Ab 2001-2004
Advisor (of counsel) at Law Firm Oy Plathin Schrey Huhtamäki Ab 2004-2006
Professor of Commercial Law, University of Lapland 1998-2006

Major Publications

Rahan jäljittäminen (Tracing Money) 2000
Pankkirikokset (Crime in Banks) 1994
Luotonantajavastuu (Lender Liability) 1993
Rajoitetusti verovelvollisen verotus (Taxation of Foreign Individuals) 1987
Ulkomaisten tuomioiden täytäntöönpano (Enforcement of Foreign Judgments) 1986
Several articles in Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and British journals and other publications 1991-2004

Lectures in foreign countries

Hundreds of presentations in 1990 - 2008 in Swedish, English and German in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, France, Czech Republic and USA.



Finnish, native
Swedish, very fluent
English, very fluent
German, fluent
Spanish, good

Personal Interests


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